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huffman coding中文是什么意思

用"huffman coding"造句"huffman coding"怎么读"huffman coding" in a sentence


  • 哈夫曼编码
  • 哈夫曼树
  • 霍夫曼编码
  • 最优二叉树


  • Based on the idea of huffman coding , huffman - based certificate revocation tree ( h - crt ) is proposed
    基于huffman编码的思想,提出了一种基于huffman的证书撤销树( hcrt ) 。
  • The fourth chapter discusses the huffman coding method , anticipating coding method and wavelet transform coding method used in this paper
  • Coding of audio - visual objects - part 2 : visual . iso iec 14496 - 2 mpeg - 4 visual version 1 , 1999 . 9 lakhani g . optimal huffman coding of dct blocks
  • In the fifth chapter , author improved huffman coding and lzw coding , which can not only increase the compression ratio , and also make the programe more useful in varied circumstance
  • The software realizes the discrete cosine transform , huffman coding , rle coding and so on . in addition , the prediction , motion estimation and motion compensation are adopted
    实现了dct ( discretecosinetransform )变换、 huffman编码及rle编码等,另外还运用了预测编码、运动估计及运动补偿等技术。
  • This paper , combined with the task and based on the thorough analyses of the theories and methods of data compression , realize the data compression of the mfl inspection data using huffman coding and wavelet transform coding
  • Based on statistic property of all sub - bands coefficients , this paper gives a lossless image coding scheme including dpgm , huffman coding and run length coding . this scheme reduces the calculating complexity and works highly efficiently
    针对图像整数小波分解后的各子带系数的统计特性,提出结合dpcm , huffman及游程编码的无损图像编码方法,该方法运算简洁,速度快,易于硬件实现。
  • The dissertation combine the theory , with using integers dct transform to realize grey image lossless compress with the method of reversible color space integers transform and reversible integers dpcm prediction to realize lossless compress from grey image to color image with huffman coding method via visual c + + program
  • It is well known that jpeg and jpeg2000 are still image compression standard with high performance at present time . so we choose them as our investigative base to compress image . my amendment in jpeg mainly includes self - adaptive huffman coding and reduction of blocking effect
  • The focus is placed on the investigation of the standard of the encoding algorithm for mpeg audio layer iii , and the analysis of the major four modules in the compression algorithm , including encoding of subband filter bank , psychoacoustics model , quantification and huffman coding , frame packing
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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